The future of work: Dissapearing jobs

Labtruck focuses on the solutions available to people who need to acquire transferable skills to integrate into the appearing jobs due to technologic advancements in the next five years. Our idea consists of a mobile creative space to gather people for new tech learning, soft and hard skills, and create an innovation community.
This service would be hired on demand by companies who are in need of transitioning their employees into new appearing jobs.
In a fast paced world, where every day changes faster than the last one, we are all struggling to adapt into the never-ending changes of life. Smartphones, smart TVs, smart devices everywhere. All those pesky tasks that bugger us are being automated and help us every day.

But, what about all those tasks that are being taken off the equation and used to be part of a traditional job of the 20th century? 

Will technology help us create a more fair society and enhance our labour? or will it kill the current jobs as we know them?
We are already witnessing some jobs at risk in industries like Transportation, Manufacturing, Construction, Retail and others due to the first 2 waves of automation.
According to experts in different fields, technology is the best way to amplify the scope of many professions, streamline repetitive tasks and also keep record of processes that can be improved in the future.
On the other hand, people who are taking these new jobs are willing to learn new skills that can get them new job opportunities and a solid career development.​​​​​​​
Concept: As easy as ordering burger and fries
After our research and brainstorming we decided on the concept: Technology should be accesible and user-friendly.

How might we make learning technology accesible, fun and practical?
This is where The Lab Truck idea emerges: A mobile lab equipped with the neccesary equipment to teach blue collar workers the new skills in order to transition into the new emerging proffesions related to technology. 

The LabTruck combines its mobile lab with ready-made courses that are offered to the workers of companies that pursue to keep their workers and help them transform their careers aligned to  the new challenges that new tech brings to the market.

Mobile App Prototype

In addition to the designs, we created a first prototype to show how would the digital experience feel like to the participants of the courses.
Merch and Proof of Concept Designs

In order to reinforce the idea of a Foodtruck, we created merchandising desigs like: A menu that shows the courses offered, a burger box with information brochures inside. ​​​​​​​
Promotional Video

As an additional proof of concept, we created a promotional video following the story of the persona we created for this project, as well as her journey and transformation thank to TheLabTruck 
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